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Telekinesis Exists! Come See!

Documentary on the scientists from the Institute of Biosensor Psychology in St. Petersburg, Russia have been registered in their book of records. It took them in less time to teach the ABC,s of teleportation to 250 people. In the less time of these people being taught, they were able to produce telekinetic results using the principle of teleportation. what’s even more interesting is the fact that, the Russian scientists say that, they are getting tired of telling the world that teleportation or telekinesis does exist! This video proves that they are institutes in this world that are undergoing serious research and scientific studies to prove that there is a force at bay behind all this, and that, we are all capable of such miraculous abilities

How to do telekinesis – Beginners Tutorial

Darryl demonstrates telekinesis with beginners tutorial, visit his YouTube channel and subscribe for updates

1976 Amazing World of Psychic Phenomena 8/8

Hosted by Raymond Burr, the documentary on the paranormal touches on such figures as Ted Serios, Peter Hurkos, Jean Dixon, Uri Geller, Nina Kuligina and others.