eloise asylum
From 1839 to the late 1970’s, the grounds at Michigan Ave. and Merriman in Westland served thousands of Detroits needy, diseased and mentally ill. Though through that time the facility grew to 75 buildings and then reduced to 4, the mystery surrounding the Eloise mental facilities have intrigued many.
Many a lost soul are said to haunt the grounds surrounding the four remaining buildings on Eloise’s grounds. A cemetery dedicated to some sits virtually unnoticed across Michigan Avenue, a place where many poor unfortunate souls have been buried. Without a name, just a number.
Perhaps the most intrigueing thing about Eloise is what we do not know, what we may never know, and how we seek to delve deeper into the secrets Eloise keeps. Unfortunately, most if not all of Eloise’s records were destroyed with most of the facility itself. What was done to the people who went there for care and kindness we may never know, but can only begin to imagine some of the horrors they faced… I hope in time to come we can answer some of those questions, if nothing else, bring this place back to life with the information we provide.
michigan has been building on the land where this hospital stands. a friend of mine works in a Block Buster video where the cemitary once stood. he always feels very creepy and uneasy in the building at night. he was feeling this before he know the storys of this place. i recently went to see him at work for the first time. it was the first time i have ever went out there before. as i passed by the old building that were still there it gave me chills like you would not believe.
Related Links:
Eloise Psychiatric Hospital : Wikipedia
The Horror of Eloise Hospital: Haunted Michigan Mental Asylum Goes Up For Sale
What Lies Beyond
About Chris
R.I.P. is the brainchild of Chris Matheny, Co-Founder & Chief Investigator for this organization. Chris has been haunted since he was five years old and has discovered his psychic and empathic abilities. These both motivated him to pursue his lifelong quest to find answers to some of the most perplexing phenomenon.
This motivation has evolved into the upcoming webshow, “What Lies Beyond? A Quest for the Truth.” The show’s primary purpose is to research and explore all aspects of the paranormal and supernatural in an effort to finding the truth behind them. This will include topics such as: ghosts/spirits, shadow people, disembodied voices/sounds, EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), aparitions, psychic abilities, past lives, spirit guides/animals, possession, channeling, aports, remote sensing, spiritual cleansing, God, Satan/Devil, angels, demons, Bigfoot/Yeti, Aliens, River Monsters, etc. Watch for updates soon!
Chris’ extensive knowledge in paranormal/spiritual phenomenon, the occult, cults, myths, legends, history & scientific facts give him a great arsenal of tools to utilize during investigations. As a mimic, Chris has trained his “ears” to hear even small variations of sound inflections, which is a major asset while listening to EVPs. His gregarious and entertaining personality combine perfectly with his writing abilities to successfully host the upcoming paranormal show, “What Lies Beyond?” Don’t miss our production updates for “What Lies Beyond?” through Twitter, Facebook & this blog.
In addition to the show, Chris has been prolific in writing great ghost stories in his blog series, “My Haunted Life.” These popular stories are based on true events from his experiences with the spiritual realm. Don’t miss reading these great stories for yourself.
About Kimberly
R.I.P. Co-Founder & Investigator
Producer, Director & Editor for “What Lies Beyond? A Quest for the Truth.”
Kimberly Brouillette, Co-Founder & Investigator for R.I.P., has joined Chris’ quest for researching the unexplained. Her expertise in Biblical studies, geology, earth & environmental sciences & paranormal phenomenon enable Kimberly to look at things logically and with a scientific understanding.
With over 20 years of experience in writing, editing, graphic design, production, web development,
marketing & advertising, she has the skills required to produce and market this quality show. She has even edited over 25 published books, and was contributing editor for “Abram’s Journey: A Quest for the Man in the Stars,” by Pamilla S. Tolen.
If you have visited one of our blog stories, websites, online apparel store, Facebook pages, Twitter profile, Squidoo Lens or other Internet location, then you have seen Kimberly’s work. The blog, with all of its stories, articles, news updates, testimonials, RIP info & links, was her creation. Please let us know what you think about all of our stories, articles and other info. Find us on Facebook to let us know what you think!
In addition to working on the show and creating all of the R.I.P. & W.L.B sites, Kimberly
writes her own popular blog series, “My Life with Chris.” These real life stories are based on the daily events that take place in her unusual life with Chris Matheny. Don’t miss reading these great stories for yourself.
Spirits of pets
I’m not sure if anything’s been posted about this before, and I sort of think there’s an argument for/against an explanation for this but…
When cats know they’re going to die, they sometimes go off somewhere quiet and out-of-sight to die. I understand this, and I’ve seen this. I accept that as “something cats would do”.
Years ago, I had a cat (it’s ok. I’ve got another one now). This was my “baby boy”. He’d always sleep next to me, every night. Then, he just started seeming “sick”. He wasn’t his usual self. Sort of sad looking, slow…but he’d still eat, allow you to pet him – he just seemed like he wasn’t his usual self. Then, one mild winter day, he just walked away. He was an indoor/outdoor kind of cat. It wasn’t out of the normal for him to spend a night or two away. So, at first, I thought nothing of it – that he’d be back.
After a few days’ absence, I was starting to wonder where he was. I started looking around the yard, behind the garage, even felt around under my neighbor’s shed (all I found there was a dead possum), but still no sign of my cat. After about a week of looking for him, calling for him, leaving food out for him, and no sign of him, I sort of resigned myself to the possibility that he’d gone off to die somewhere. Alright, I’ll admit it – I was sad about it. But, as I said before, I understand that sometimes this is what cats do.
A few months later, I was in bed – just drifting off to sleep, and I felt, what seemed like, a cat had lightly hopped up to the foot of my bed, paused briefly, then started walking up along my legs (I would swear I could feel each step this cat was taking as it walked up my bed!) and stop again at my hip. I reached down to touch the cat, and there was nothing there. I turned on the light, and there was no cat.
So, I got out of bed and searched my house – no cat. Checked the door, it was closed and locked. And I didn’t have another cat at the time. I went back to bed, secretly contented to believe that my “baby boy” had come back to me (even as a spirit), almost as a way of showing me that, when he slept next to me, he felt safe and comfortable.
I’ve always had a cat (sometimes 2), where ever I’ve lived. I know they have a great way of “reading people” (this one in particular was VERY good at that!), so I’m ok with believing that my cat had come back to me as a way of showing his appreciation for the care I’d given him. I’ve felt this “mystery cat” on my bed a few times, but it would only come up as close to my hip. I’ve got a cat now, and she sleeps in my bed too. Thankfully, there’s no issue between her and the “mystery cat”. In fact, I haven’t been visited by the “mystery cat” in a few years.
As for the argument “against” this being the spirit of my long, lost “baby boy” (he was named Ralph, as in Ralph Cramden on “The Honeymooners”), I could possibly dismiss this as possibly I was thinking about Ralph when I felt the “mystery cat” on my bed…however, I don’t recall actually thinking about Ralph when this occurred (I can’t be 100% sure, though). I do know that, when I feel this “mystery cat” walking up my bed, I automatically think that it is Ralph, so…that would be a partial argument against this being my cat’s spirit coming for a visit.
Any thoughts?
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