

Bronze Age Civilization Spotted in Old Photographs

Forty-year-old aerial photographs of Russia’s Caucasus Mountains revealed clues to the ancient civilization.

Traces of a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization have been discovered in the peaks of Russia’s Caucasus Mountains thanks to aerial photographs taken 40 years ago, researchers said Monday.

“We have discovered a civilization dating from the 16th to the 14th centuries B.C., high in the mountains south of Kislovodsk,” in Russia’s North Caucasus region,

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Earliest Traces of a Disabled, Aged Human Found

Early humans must have taken care of this elderly member of their group, providing some of the first evidence of compassion.

Faces of Koro: Photos of Hidden Language’s Last Speakers

See a few of the 800-odd remaining guardians of Koro, a ”hidden” language recently documented in India and revealed Tuesday.

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