

Prophecy Video

Prophecy is a message sent by a divine being to an individual who may sometimes share it with others as a warning about possible future events. In the Bible, a notable prophecy that was not meant to be shared to the general populace was sent to Noah who was instructed to build an arc (boat) to survive the forthcoming flood. (more…)

Precognition Video

Precognition is the ability to foresee future events that cannot be determined by presently available information. A Premonition is an advanced view of the future, sometimes a warning or circumstance which may appear in various forms, in dreams or as a feeling or unexplained ‘knowing’ that an event will occur before it happens. (more…)

Parapsychology Video

Parapsychology is the scientific investigation of psychic phenomena including telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic healing, and precognition.